As crews were working to placing apparatus back in service from the earlier fire Station 81 71 and 77 were alerted for a structure fire on Chipmans Pond Road. Chief Hill responded and established command. 81-4 and 1404 arrived and made an aggressive attack on the fire in the rear of the structure. 79-4 and Federalsburg Engine 102 supplied 1404 and 81-4. As additional crews started ventilating Tanker 71 supplied Engine 102. Crews remained on scene for overhaul. The Officers and Members of the Laurel Fire Department would like to thank all the Departments and Personel that assisted with the alarms on Saturday. Units on scene 81Command 81-4 1404 79-4 E102 A81 Tower81 Tanker 71 81-2 81-3 Rescue81 Rescue71 M102 FM10