
Cadet Membership
Monday, August 18, 2014

The Fire Cadet Program provides young men and women with an exciting opportunity to learn about firefighting and emergency medical services as future career choices. Cadets are young men and women ages 14 through 18 from all areas of the community that participate in fire department training activities, meetings, and as firefighters, once they are “firefighter” certified through the Delaware State Fire School. All cadet activities are closely supervised by fire department personnel and cadets must adhere to standards of good conduct. The policies and procedures of the Fire Cadet Program have been developed based on past Department experience, desires of youth program stakeholders and, in some cases, the mandates of local law. This program develops character and leadership qualities in a friendly and professional setting. The Fire Cadet Program provides youth with positive adult and peer role models in a safe and supervised environment. Interested youngsters are encouraged to learn more by contacting the cadet program coordinator Deputy Chief Mark Sheridan @ 302-875-3081. General questions can be asked by e-mailing [email protected].

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