
House Fire on Tenth St.
Sunday, January 13, 2019

On Sunday January 13th, Laurel, Delmar, Sharptown and SCEMS were alerted for a house fire at the corner of 10th & West Streets.  Laurel Police were in the area and saw smoke from the residence and contacted 911.

Asst. Chief Mike Lowe responded and arrived to assume command of the fire which was actually located at 238 W. Tenth Street.  A victim was located in the driveway who had been moved away from the home by neighbors and Laurel Police Officers.

SCEMS (Paramedic Goldman) was on the scene soon after Command and began patient care. 

Eng. 81-4 responded with Capt. Zac Lecates as Officer.  They dropped a 5" supply to the scene.  Lecates was assigned as Operations Officer. An attack was made to the front of the house with two 1 3/4" lines.

Eng. 81-3 with Capt Jamie Nelson arrived and secured the hydrant and water supply operations.  Eng. 74-2 arrived on scene with Chief Shawn Johnson who was assigned to the B side at the rear of the structure.  Dep Chief Joe Morris was assigned RIT.  Asst Chief Artie Abbott Safety/Accountability. 

Truck 14 arrived simultaneously with the Delmar units and Chief Billy White took charge of access to the roof.

A81 transported the patient to Nanticoke with serious injuries.  The Delaware State Fire Marshal's Office was on scene to complete their investigation. 

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