At 17:16 hours on 2/9/19, Laurel Fire Dept., along with Sharptown, Delmar and SCEMS were alerted for a house fire in the 800 block of West Street. Asst. Chief Mike Lowe arrived on scene and reported a 2 1/2 story balloon construction residence with fire showing from side "B". Lowe completed an assessment of the house and met with the owner who confirmed no one was inside the home. As this was occurring simultaneously with Laurel Fire Dept's annual banquet, Sharptown FD was providing coverage at LFD Sta. 1. With this, Engine Tanker 14 was on scene within three minutes with Captain Dana Walker being assigned Operations. His crew made entry from the front of the home. Tower 81 with Capt. Zac Lecates set up on the "A""D" corner of the house and his crew assisted Sharptown in determining extension of the fire. Eng. 74-2 arrived with Asst. Chief Marty Skarson and were assigned to assess the "C" side of the house. Truck 14 with Chief Billy White were set up as R.I.T. FM 11 Galaska arrived on scene and began an investigation. Blades VFC provided a stand by crew at Laurel. The fire was under control in about 40 minutes. There were no working smoke alarms present in the area of the fire.