
Mid Day Trailer Fire
Saturday, July 6, 2019

Today July 6th at 1102hrs, Sussex EOC alerted Station 81 Laurel, Station 71 Blades, and Station 87 Seaford for a working trailer fire with possible entrapment on Sussex Hwy. 81 Command went enroute with Chief Hill and was advised there were multiple calls reporting working alarm. Chief Hill arrived and confirmed the report. ET 81-5 arrived first due and pulled a line to make a knock on the fire. Engine 81-4 arrived second due and pulled a second line. ET 71-2 arrived and supplied ET 81-5. Primary and Secondary searches were negative. Crews remained on scene for approximately an hour for overhaul and clean up. Sussex Hwy was closed SB and reopened when units cleared. Good work to all!! Units on scene: Command 81, B81, 81-4, ET 81-5, ET 71-2, Tower 81, ET 87-9, Rescue 71, and SCEMS. Thank you to Engine Tanker 14 of the Sharptown Vol. Fire Dept. provided coverage for our district during the fire!! BY: Dwayne Chaffinch Picture Credit:P Jim Gianto

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