Structural Collapse Near Laurel On July 10th , at 7:35pm Sussex EOC alerted the Laurel and Delmar Fire Departments along with the Sussex County Technical Rescue Team, SCEMS, and Delaware Trooper 2 for a reported Structural Collapse with possible entrapment on Bacons Rd. A81 responded and was given a report on possible entrapment. Utility 81-8 responded with Assistant Chief Mike Lowe, as 81 Command. Tower 81 responded with Deputy Chief Layton. Rescue 74 responded with Chief Morris. A81 arrived to find what once was a 2 1/2 story farmhouse fully collapsed onto a truck. A81 made multiple attempts to locate a victim. Tower 81 and Rescue 74 arrived and split crews up and try and locate a possible trapped victim. 81-8 arrived. Sussex Technical Rescue Captain Jamie Ashmead began coordinating incoming Technical Rescue Units to prepare for a possible rescue. Asst Chief Lowe established Command and assigned Deputy Chief Layton as operations officer. Command contacted Sussex Emergency Operations who had Delaware State Police check the tags of the Truck and also conducted a search for contact information for the property owner. The owner was contacted and stated the Structure had collapsed earlier in the day on top of the truck during the storm, advised no one was hurt and no one was trapped. Situation was placed under control units remained on scene and cleared shortly after.