
State Fire Chiefs Award Those Involved in Laurel Incident
Monday, September 28, 2020

Laurel Firefighters and Police Officers honored for their role in Rescue On Sept. 28th President of the Delaware State Fire Chiefs Association, Steven Deery and Committee Chairman James Watson were present at the Laurel Fire Dept. for an Awards Ceremony honoring members of the Laurel Fire Dept. and Laurel Police Dept. that took part in the rescue that likely saved the life of a Laurel resident. Members and employees of the Laurel Fire Department and officers of Laurel Police Dept. were recognized for their heroic actions on May 21, 2020. At approximately 16:30 hours Laurel Fire Dept. and Sussex County EMS were alerted for a residential rescue in the 500 block of E. Fourth Street. Firefighter/Engineer Aaron Carey and Laurel Police Dept. Officers Daniel Howard and Carlos Grandas found an individual trapped under a vehicle due to the collapse of a jack. Carey and Howard were able to lift the vehicle enough to have Officer Carlos Grandas and Officer Riley Parker slide the victim free to the care of Asst Chief of EMS Doug Butler and F/F EMT Leah Croy. The victim was transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital and suffered no long term effects from the incident. Everyone at Laurel Fire Dept., the Town of Laurel and the Laurel Police Dept. are proud to have these members. Great job to all involved!!!!

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