
LFD Mourns the loss of Past Chief/Past President Bill Hearn
Friday, March 18, 2022

It is with great sadness that the Laurel Fire Department announces the passing of Past Chief/Past President William “Bill”Hearn. Bill joined the Laurel Fire Department on May 27, 1963, serving for almost 59 years. Early in his career he was very active with the ambulance service serving as ambulance captain in 1967/68. He was elected Assistant Chief in 1971 and served 17 years with another term during the 1990’s. In 1982 Bill was elected Fire Chief and would serve until 1990. Also, very active to the Fire Department administratively. He was a trustee or board member for nine years. In 2007 Bill was elected President and would serve until December of 2021. Bill was named Laurel Fire Dept.’s Firefighter of the year in 1995. He was the Sussex County Fireman of the Year in 2003. He has been a role model for every new member that has ever joined the Department just by being in their lives. He was a superb leader in every way and always took any job he had with the Fire Department to heart and made sure it was always done.

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